CIDC Webinars
CIDC offers free continuing medical education webinars for the benefit of health professionals that cover a variety of infectious disease topics.
The slide sets and video recordings of previously provided webinars may be found under the “CIDC RESOURCES” tab (at top of page).
Upcoming educational Webinars
Please check back frequently for updates on our webinar offerings
Please watch this space for announcements about additional upcoming webinars
CIDC Webinars Previously Presented
To view the video recording, the slide set, and (in some cases) the questions and answers for each of the following webinars, please click on the ‘CIDC Resources’ tab, above. Then scroll to the webinar of interest.
The opinions expressed in these webinars are those of the presenters and do not
necessarily reflect the views of CIDC, its funders, or its partners.
Les opinions exprimées dans ce webinaire sont celles des présentateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les vues du CIDC, de ses partisans ou de ses partenaires.
23 January 2025
Empowering Adults: Bolstering the Shield Against Pneumococcal Disease with Adult-specific vaccines
Webinar Objectives:
• Understand the evolving patterns and trends of pneumococcal disease among older adults in Canada.
• Identify the specific patient populations that are at higher risk for pneumococcal disease, considering age, underlying health conditions, and immunocompromised status.
• Differentiate between the strains of pneumococcal bacteria that commonly impact children and adults and understand the variations in disease manifestations between these age groups.
• Recognize the persisting gaps and unmet needs in effectively addressing pneumococcal disease among older adults through vaccination strategies, considering factors such as vaccine uptake & age specific sero-epidemiology.
2 Octobre 2024
Optimisation du test VPH : Stratégies de suivi et inclusion des populations difficiles à rejoindre
Objectifs :
•Recommandations et algorithme de dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus au Québec
•Surmonter les obstacles au dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus pour diverses populations au Canada, incluant l’auto-prélèvement, ses pours et ses contres
•Utiliser des stratégies efficaces de communication et de mise en œuvre
July 25, 2024
How Can We Improve Prevention of HPV-related Head and Neck Diseases?
· State the prevalence and burden of HPV-related disease including oropharyngeal cancer, with a special focus on Canada
· Review current indications and rationale for HPV vaccination in the adult population
· Discuss evidence behind HPV vaccination in adults diagnosed with HPV-related diseases
· Describe the burden of treatment for HPV-related head and neck disease
· State the value of medical professionals serving as advocates for HPV vaccination with respect to head and neck disease
March 27, 2024
Achieving Cervical cancer Screening Excellence through Empowerment
1- Increase cervical screening among under-screened women
2- Apply new Insights and Innovations in their offer of screening
3- Use effective Communication and Implementation Strategies
December 14, 2023
Vaccination Series: Understanding the Different Types of Pneumococcal Vaccines for Adults
1. Describe the burden of adult invasive & non-invasive pneumococcal disease in Canada
2. Summarize the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease in adults
3. Review adult pneumococcal vaccines in Canada
4. Discuss the value of adult-specific conjugated pneumococcal vaccines
October 25, 2023
-Discuss the burden of pneumococcal disease in Canada
-Review the history of childhood pneumococcal vaccine options in Canada
-Discuss the importance of childhood pneumococcal vaccination
-Outline current pneumococcal vaccines for children
September 13, 2023
Low-risk HPV is NOT No-risk HPV: Anogenital warts and Respiratory Papillomatosis in Males
· Explain low risk HPV natural history
· Compare oral and anogenital (Low Risk) HPV infections between males and females
· Describe burden of disease from anogenital warts and respiratory papillomatosis in males
· Describe prevention methods for anogenital warts, RRP and oral lesions in males
· Counsel males efficiently about HPV vaccination
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
July 27, 2023
The rate of HPV head & neck cancers is rapidly rising: what more can be done in prevention?
1. Describe the burden of disease of head and neck cancers in Canadians.
2. Explain the complexity of challenges for patients with head and neck cancer.
3. Review the efficacy of HPV vaccine to lower burden of head and neck HPV cancers.
4. Recognize signs and symptoms of head and neck cancer.
5. Discuss potential screening methods.
6. Develop a better understanding of the perspectives of a head and neck cancer patient
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: Friday, May 12, 2023
HPV Affects Men Differently than Women:
is prevention the same for both?
•Summarize the burden of HPV and differences in natural history of HPV-associated diseases
•Compare HPV-related disease impacts between male and female patients
•Propose methods to increase patient awareness of head and neck cancer issues and for HPV prevention overall
•Elaborate on the ways that different specialties can improve HPV awareness and prevention
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: Wednesday March 29, 2023
Will Canada’s HPV prevention plan be on track with WHO 2030 elimination targets?
Dr. Marc Steben, MD,CCFM, FCFM
- Co-President, HPV Global Action
- Chair, Canadian Network on HPV Prevention
- Board Member, International Papillomavirus Society
Dr. Nancy Durand MDCM, FRCS
- Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Toronto
- Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
1. Enumerate reasons why Canada is at risk of not reaching the 2030 screening targets for elimination of cervical cancer
2. Present actions on what Canada can do NOW to reach 2030 screening elimination targets
3. Enumerate reasons why Canada is at risk of not reaching the 2030 vaccine targets for elimination of cervical cancer
4. Compare Canadian provinces and territorial coverage rates and obstacles
5. Discuss potential actions on how to increase Canadian vaccine coverage
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Dr. Ivan Litvinov MD, PhD, FRCPC
- Director, Division of Dermatology, McGill University
Dr. Aisha Lofters MD, PhD
Chair in Implementation Science, Women’s College Hospital
Ms. Laurie Smith MPH, RN(C), BN
Research Program Manager, BC Cancer/Women’s Health Research Institute
Webinar Objectives:
1.Review the distribution of burden of HPV in Canadian populations
2.List examples of populations and health inequities in Canada
3.Overcoming challenges in reaching populations who do not have equitable access to HPV prevention
4.Examples of Adapted HPV prevention measures for people who are immunocompromised
Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
1. Clinical overview of head and neck cancers
2. Latest evidence for HPV vaccination preventing head and neck cancers and RRP
3. Review the burden of head and neck cancers
4. Understand the role of oral healthcare professionals in the prevention of head and neck cancers
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2022
The Tsunami of Head and Neck Cancers in Canada: Addressing the issues
1. Discuss the epidemiology, increasing burden and current landscape of HPV-related head and neck cancers
2. Describe the head and neck cancer diagnostic and therapeutic journey of the patient
3. Provide counselling suggestions adapted to various head and neck patients and their families
4. Outline ways to improve prevention of head and neck cancers and discuss the roles of different specialties in increasing awareness and prevention
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: jeudi 3 mars 2022
Programme de prévention du VPH du 21e siècle : lutter contre la désinformation et adopter rapidement des actions efficaces
en partenariat avec VPH Action Globale
· Mettre en œuvre rapidement les meilleures pratiques pour une vaccination optimale contre le VPH
· Introduire les pratiques et stratégies de dépistage du 21e siècle
· Identifier les informations erronées sur les incidents et les messages contradictoires
·Adresser efficacement la désinformation
Cet événement éducatif est rendu possible grâce au soutien de
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: March 2, 2022
In partnership with HPV Global Action
Title: 21st Century HPV Prevention Program: Addressing Misinformation and Rapidly Adopting Successful Actions
· Implement best practices rapidly for optimal HPV vaccination
· Introduce 21st century screening practices and strategies
· Identify incident misinformation and mixed messages
· Address efficiently misinformation
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: January 6, 2022
Title: Lessons learned from COVID-19:
Getting our HPV immunization programs back on track
1. Describe the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of HPV prevention programs across Canada
2. Compare pre-COVID to current HPV programs in Canadian provinces and territories
3. Elaborate about CPAC HPV prevention objectives
4. Outline the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) position on HPV vaccination
5. List lessons learned from the COVID pandemic and discuss novel approaches to bolster the way forward for HPV vaccinations
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021
In partnership with HPV Global Action
Title: HPV head and neck cancers: We need a control strategy now!
The case for better clinical awareness and a stronger preventive agenda
At the end of the presentation, the participants will be better informed about head and neck cancers:
- their clinical burden
- their natural clinical history
- their early and late-stage signs and symptoms
- psychological burden on patients and their families; difficulty going back to work
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Bristol Myers Squibb Canada and Roche Diagnostics Canada
Date: Vendredi 5 novembre 2021
Titre: Le rôle du test VPH dans l’accélération de l’élimination du cancer du col de l’utérus
en partenariat avec VPH Action Globale
1- Expliquer la valeur du changement au test VPH dans le dépistage du cancer du col de l'utérus
2- Communiquer les avantages et les inconvénients potentiels du test VPH
3- Conseiller efficacement sur le test VPH
Cet événement éducatif est rendu possible grâce au soutien de
Roche Diagnostics Canada
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Title: The role of HPV Testing in the Acceleration of the Elimination of Cervical Cancer
1-Explain the value of the HPV testing shift in cervical cancer screening
2-Communicate about the potential benefits and harms of HPV testing
3-Counsel efficiently about HPV testing
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Roche Diagnostics Canada
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Title: The role of healthcare professionals in the promotion of cancer prevention through HPV vaccination
1. Review the latest evidence for HPV vaccination
2. Communicate the risks of HPV and the benefits of HPV vaccination
3. Resolve reported obstacles to the decision on HPV vaccination.
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
Date: Jeudi 7 octobre 2021
Titre: Optimiser la promotion de la prévention des cancers et maladies liés au VPH par la vaccination contre le VPH
Objectifs d'apprentissage:
1. Expliquer le lien entre le VPH et les cancers liés au VPH
2. Communiquer les avantages de la vaccination à diverses populations
3. Intégrer la prévention du VPH dans le travail quotidien
Cet événement éducatif est rendu possible grâce au soutien de
Merck Canada Inc
Titre: Le test VPH pour prévenir le cancer du col de l’utérus: un outil de dépistage avec de nombreux avantages et quelques défis!
Date de diffusion: 7 avril 2021
Objectifs du webinaire:
•Expliquer comment le test VPH va changer l’expérience des femmes avec le dépistage
•Décrire les paramètres de performance du test VPH
•Appliquer les nouvelles méthodes de suivi après un résultat positif au test VPH
•Expliquer au patient ce que signifie un résultat positif au test VPH
Ce programme éducatif est rendu possible grâce au soutien de
Roche Diagnostics Canada
Les opinions exprimées dans ce webinaire sont celles des présentateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue du CIDC ou de ses partenaires
CIDC, in association with a number of organizational partners, was proud to offer a special webinar focussing on HPV awareness on March 4, 2021 - in celebration of International HPV Awareness Day.
Date: March 4, 2021
Title: The Value of HPV Vaccination in Adults:
accelerating towards elimination
· Review the changing burden of HPV-related diseases
· Discuss clinical trials: 4vHPV and 9vHPV in adult females and males
· Assess the value of vaccination of those with previous disease
· Outline the current state of vaccination and screening programs in Canada
· List strategies for counselling to improve uptake
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
with assistance from BD Diagnostics and Immunize Canada
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2020
If women are from venus and men are from mars, is HPV infection also different?
Learning Objectives:
• Review the differences between men and women in terms of burden of disease and epidemiology of HPV infection
• Discuss the latest clinical data and recommendations for HPV immunization in men and women
• Discuss the challenges and opportunities the providers are facing when immunizing men versus women
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada
with assistance from BD Diagnostics and Immunize Canada
Date: 28 October, 2020
Un webinaire gratuit présenté par VPH Action Globale en partenariat avec
Le rôle des et infirmiers.ères dans la promotion de la prévention du cancer par la vaccination contre le VPH
Objectifs d'apprentissage:
1. Expliquer les évidences concernant la vaccination contre le VPH.
2. Communiquer efficacement les risques du VPH et les avantages de la vaccination.
3. Résoudre les obstacles quant à la décision sur la vaccination contre le VPH.
Cet événement éducatif est rendu possible grâce au soutien de Merck Canada Inc, BD Diagnostics et Immunisation Canada
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
How Can Economic Models Inform Decision-making About Screening?
Learning Objectives:·
Understand how the choice and performance of diagnostic tools can have implications for resource use in screening programs
Explore the estimated costs and benefits of diagnostic test selection on a population-based screening program using economic modelling
Consider how to interpret economic model results to inform meaningful healthcare decisions
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Hologic Canada ULC
Date: June 30, 2020
HPV Prevention in the Adult population: Protecting those at higher risk
Learning Objectives:
•Identify those at higher and highest risk for HPV infection and disease
•Describe the burden of HPV disease in adult females and males
•Discuss the evidence for HPV vaccination:
–High risk MSM, HIV+
–Adult females and males
–Patients with HPV-related disease
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
with assistance provided by BD Diagnostics and Immunize Canada
Date: January 8, 2020
What do we need to know about HPV and Adult Males?
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss HPV infection and HPV-related disease manifestations in men, including MSM
2. Compare HPV prevention options between genders
3. Discuss screening for HPV-related disease in men
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
with assistance provided by BD Diagnostics and Immunize Canada
2019 November 12 (Tuesday) Webinar
Accelerating Cervical Cancer Elimination:
What you can do!
Dr. Marc Steben MD, CCFM, FCFM
Chair, Canadian Network on HPV Prevention
Family Physician, Groupe de médecine familiale et Clinique Réseau
Président, Communications Action Santé
Board Member, International Papillomavirus Society
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the WHO goal of the global elimination of cervical cancer by 2030
Address cervical cancer elimination from a prevention perspective
Describe current cervical cancer burden, challenges, and the projected increase in cervical cancer if changes are not implemented
Discuss the recently produced document entitled "Canada's Role in Accelerating Global Elimination of Cervical Cancer"
This educational event was made possible through the support of
Merck Canada Inc.
with assistance provided by BD Diagnostics and Immunize Canada
The opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of CIDC, its supporters, or its partners.
2019 October 31 (Thursday) Webinar
HPV-based Cervical Cancer Screening: Why is NOW the time?
Dr. Catherine Popadiuk MD, FRCS(C), MBA
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Gynecologic Oncology), Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
Medical Director for the Newfoundland and Labrador Cervical Screening Initiatives Programme
Clinical Lead for the CPAC HPV-Cervix OncoSim model
Learning Objectives:
List some of the key findings from comparative studies of different HPV tests in prospective cohorts and cross-sections;
Identify the important clinical performance issues that inform implementation decisions;
Outline the Health System Outcomes and Cost Effectiveness with Primary HPV screening;
Discuss the future possibilities of HPV testing
This educational event was supported by
Hologic Canada ULC
The opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of CIDC, its supporters, or its partners.
2019 June 26 Webinar
Title: HPV Testing in the Canadian Context:
Pros, Cons and Implementation Challenges
Dr. Mel Krajden, MD, FRCP(C)
Medical Director, BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
Medical Head, Hepatitis - Clinical Prevention Services
BC Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, BC
Professor, Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the benefits and limitations of HPV testing as a cervical cancer screening tool
2. Compare performance characteristics of different HPV tests
3. Outline the lessons learned from the British Columbia randomized FOCAL Trial to assess primary HPV testing as part of an organized screening program
4. Outline the array of HPV testing implementation challenges including the impact of HPV vaccination
This educational event was supported by
Hologic Canada ULC
The opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of CIDC, its supporters, or its partners.
2019 January 16 webinar:
Title: HPV and Males: Can HPV disease in males be eradicated by 2030?
Dr. Marc Steben, MD CCFM, FCFM
Chair, Canadian HPV Prevention Network
Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Université de Montréal
Medical Consultant, Family Medicine Group 1851
Presentation Objectives:
1. Compare the burden of HPV among males and females
2. Describe the evidence of benefits for HPV vaccination of males
3. Discuss the value of screening for prevention of cancer in males
4. List the ways to accelerate HPV prevention efforts in males
This educational event was supported by
Merck Canada Inc.
The opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of CIDC, its supporters, or its partners.
2018 October 25 WEBINAR:
Title: HPV and RRP: Why do we need to do more to prevent Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis?
To view the video recording and or the slide set, please click on the ‘CIDC Resources’ tab, above.
Dr. Paolo Campisi, MSc, MD, FRCSC
Professor and Vice Chair Education
Director of Postgraduate Education
Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Otolaryngologist, Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Presentation Objectives:
1. Describe the scope of HPV disease burden in children’s airways
2. Understand the many impacts of JoRRP (juvenile onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis)
3. Summarize the risk factors for mother to child transmission of HPV in the airway
4. State the benefits of HPV prophylactic vaccination against HPV related disease
5. Describe the JoRRP national database and other ongoing surveillance studies
This educational event was supported by
Merck Canada Inc.
The opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and do not
necessarily reflect the views of CIDC, its supporters, or its partners.
Contact: George Wurtak, Executive Director
Consortium for Infectious Disease Control (CIDC)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada